So, you’re on Facebook and you have a suspicion that someone has blocked you from seeing their story. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t tell you that someone has hidden you from their story.
Facebook released a story feature a few years ago soon after they released it on Instagram which allowed your friends to view your story. Depending on your privacy settings, either your friends could’ve watched your story, or your story would be available for the whole public to see.
Since some people want to limit who can see their story and make certain things private so others won’t see, Facebook allowed people to hide their story from certain friends. When blocking someone from seeing your story, they won’t be able to see your story.
You could be frustrated because you want to know if this person has a problem with you. Luckily for you, I’m going to show you a few ways to check if someone has hidden you from viewing their Facebook story.
If You Hide Your Story From Someone on Facebook Will They Know?
No, there’s no way for someone to tell if you hide your story from them on facebook. It’s impossible to know as facebook doesn’t give away this information. The only way they can find out is if someone who can see your story tells them about it and the person your hid is unable to see it.
Can You Tell If Someone Blocked You from Seeing Their Story on Facebook?
Unfortunately, there’s no way to know who actually blocked you from seeing their story on Facebook because this would violate people’s privacy. Although their story is available for the rest of their friends, once they’ve hidden their story from you, there’s no possible way to see it.
If you’re wondering if your friend has blocked you from viewing their story, there’s no way to exactly know if they have. If they don’t post any stories, then this can make you suspicious because you might have come to the conclusion that they’ve blocked you from viewing it, however, just because someone doesn’t post stories anymore, doesn’t mean that they’ve blocked you from seeing their story.
However, the closest way to know if someone has hidden their story from you is to ask someone that is friends with or follows them, ‘what stories have they posted’. From here, you’ll be able to know if they hid their story from you.
How to Tell If Someone Blocked You from Seeing Their Story on Facebook
There are a few ways to tell if someone has blocked you from seeing their story. These are loopholes that you can use to find out, but there’s no way that you’ll be able to find out directly through your own Facebook account. You can only use other accounts to find out because they won’t be hidden from viewing stories.
1. Ask A Friend to Send you Their Story
The first thing you need to do is to ask a friend to send you the suspect’s Facebook story. If you think that you might have been one of the few people that were blocked, you could just ask a friend that you think wasn’t blocked. This friend would have to be friends with the person if their account is private.
If their account is open, you can just ask anyone to send you their story. When you receive their story via DM, you need to check whether you can see the story or not. If you’ve been blocked, you’re going to see a message saying that the story is unavailable. This means that this person has hidden their story from you.
2. Make a Quick Fake Account
The next thing you can do is to create a fake account. The problem with Facebook is that they care heavily about users using real profiles so trying to use a fake profile would be tricky and could cause problems down the line. So be warned and make sure any details you use have no links to your real profile, this includes names, emails, numbers etc.
When you make a fake account, you can use this to act like a different person and not as yourself. When you’re done with making the fake account, if their profile is open, then you’ll be able to check if their story is there.
If you couldn’t see the story on your original Facebook account, this means that they’ve blocked you from seeing their story.
If their account is private, you can send them a friend request and you can keep your fingers crossed to see if they accept your friend request. Once they’re accepted, you need to look at their story and check if you’re able to see it.
If you can, this means that you’ve been blocked.
3. Ask A Friend You’re With to Show you
If you’re with a friend that is friends with this person, then you can easily ask them for their phone to look at their account. When you check their account, and you see a story that you couldn’t see on your main account, this means that you’ve been blocked.
4. Have They Stopped Posting For A While?
Another way you can tell if they have blocked you from viewing their story is by checking their posting frequency. If they did use to post very frequently, let’s say every day, and they’ve suddenly stopped, this can lead you to believe that they have hidden their story from you.
Although they could’ve just stopped posting altogether, if they have posted frequently and consistently for many months and they suddenly stop for a few weeks, then it’s safe to make the assumption that they’ve hidden their story from you.
5. Ask Them If They Did
The easiest way to know if someone has blocked you from seeing their story is to simply ask them. It’s as simple as saying, did you block me from seeing your story. Obviously, if they’re not a straight-up person, then they might not tell you the truth and you’ll have to use other methods to try and find out if they did block you from seeing it. But if they are honest, they’ll tell you that they blocked you from seeing it. Maybe they didn’t want you to see something that would upset you, or maybe they only wanted to post something for a certain group of people to see.
6. Check Again
Sometimes there are glitches that can happen which can cause a story not to show up the first time. Glitches are failures in the software that causes some unexpected errors and in this case, someone has published a story but it hasn’t come up for you. In this situation, to know if they hid you from seeing their story, then you should check again. You simply need to search for their name again and swipe down when you’re on their profile to update it. If you notice that there’s no red ring around their profile picture, then it’s safe to say that they’ve blocked you from seeing their stories.
They Could’ve Just Outright Blocked You On Facebook
If someone blocked you on Facebook, then it’s pretty similar to them blocking you from watching their stories before you won’t be able to watch them. Although blocking you entirely means that you don’t get to see their account outright, it also means that you won’t be able to see any stories that they upload.
1. Search for Their Name on Facebook
The first and most reliable way to find out if you’ve been blocked on Facebook is by checking if you can find their name in the search results. When you search for someone’s Facebook username, their account usually comes up after typing the first few letters. This only works if you have any history with the account.
If you search up every part of their username on Facebook and they don’t show up, you’ve been blocked.
2. Find Them in a Tagged Photo
The next thing you can do to find out if you’ve been blocked is by looking for their tagged username in a picture. You can do this by going on their best friends’ Facebook account and looking for a photo that includes both of them.
If they have tagged the person you think may have blocked you, you need to click on their tag and check if you can see their pictures.
If you see the term Facebook User, they’ve unfortunately blocked you and you won’t be able to see their stories.
3. Look for Them in a Comment Section
If you can’t find a tagged picture of them, you can try and look for their profile in a comment section. If you know that they follow someone, or you know a post that they’ve commented on, you can go back to that post and look for their username.
If you’ve found their username underneath a picture, you can click on their name and check if they’ve blocked you. If they did block you, you’re going to see the message ‘Facebook User’ when you click on their profile and you won’t be able to see any stories that they upload.
What Happens When Someone Hides Their Story From You On Facebook
When someone hides their story from you on Facebook, there are a few things that you’re going to notice. Facebook gives clues all the time and it’s hard to not realize something when it’s happened. Along with noticing weird things when someone has hidden you if you go digging deeper, it’s actually easy to find out that they’ve blocked you from seeing it. It’s not something that takes a genius to figure out.
You Can’t See Any Story They Post
If someone has blocked you, one thing that you’ll notice off the bat is that it doesn’t seem like they post any stories at all. If someone has gone from posting loads to posting less, then you’ll know that something could be going on. It’s not always the case that as soon as someone is no longer active that they’ve blocked you from seeing their story. But if you notice that someone is very active then one day they suddenly stop posting, it should lead you to investigate more about the situation. This is more apparent if it’s someone you’re relatively close with and you notice that you haven’t seen a story from them in ages.
When Someone Sends The Story To You It’ll Be Unavailable
If you have a close friendship group, you’ll usually have a Facebook group chat. With the group chat, usually, things are sent into the chat mainly about mutual friends. If you notice that someone has sent something into the group chat and it’s about someone all of you know about, you may notice that you’re unable to see the story. If you notice that you’re unable to see the story that they sent it, then this is a sign that you’ve been blocked from watching their stories. This is something major you’ll notice when someones hidden their stories from you.
How to See Hidden Stories on Facebook
If someone has hidden their story from you, there’s no way you can use the account that they blocked, to see their hidden story. This would be a massive violation of privacy if there was a way to see a story that someone hid you from. Once they’ve hidden you from a story, it’s impossible to see their story using that account again.
1. Ask Them To Stop Hiding You
If you want to start seeing someone’s stories again, the quickest route to get there would be to ask them to stop hiding you. When you ask them to stop hiding you from their stories, one of two things will happen. They’re going to deny that they ever hid their story from you, or going to deny that they’ve hid you but they’ll remove you from the list of people they’ve blocked from watching it. In rare cases do they admit that they blocked you before unblocking you – this is if they think you don’t know about it.
2. Get Your Friend To Show It to You
Another easy when to see stories again when you’ve been hidden is to ask your friend to screenshot or screen record what’s on their Facebook. Because you’re blocked, they can’t just send you the story because you’ll be unable to see it. But you can get them to show you what’s on their story without sending it.
3. Use Your Private Account
If you have a private account and their account is public, you can use this to take a quick peek and what’s on their story. With a private account, you’re able to do things on Facebook without revealing that it’s you. Along with this, they may have only thought to block you from seeing their story on your main account but with their burner or their private account, chances are that it’s not blocked.
If You Hide Someone From Your Facebook Story After Posting
If you hide someone from your Facebook story after posting, they’ll still be able to see the stories that you’ve uploaded before that. They won’t be able to see any stories that are posted after you block them. If you don’t want someone to see your stories, make sure that you block them before you upload them. They’ll still be able to see any stories that were uploaded before.
Can Someone Know If You Hide Them From Seeing Your Story?
There’s no way that people can find out that you’ve blocked them from viewing their story. However, they can use certain methods to find out that you’ve hidden them from your story, such as asking a friend that is friends with them to show you.
If they can see that you posted a story using their friend’s account and they can’t view it from their own account, this will let them know that you’ve blocked them from seeing it. If their friend that’s friends with you sends their story to them and it’s unavailable to them, this will let them know that you’ve hidden them from viewing your stories.