Will Someone Know If You Deleted Your Comment on Facebook?

Will Someone Know If You Deleted Your Comment on Facebook?

Have you ever made a comment on someone’s Facebook post only to regret it later or simply find it in bad taste? Well, you are not the first and certainly not the last person that has made a comment on Facebook and thought about deleting the comment later.

It is all too easy to get caught up in the moment and say something in the comments that you do not necessarily mean and end up deleting the comment.

With this in mind, I’ll discuss whether or not someone will know if you deleted your comment on Facebook.

Will Someone Know If You Deleted Their Comment on Facebook?

Yes, they could figure out that you deleted their comment on Facebook if they go back to the post and see that their comment is gone. However, they will not be notified that you deleted their comment on the Facebook post.

They will likely receive a notification when someone else comments on the post but they will not get a notification when you delete their comment on the Facebook post.

So, while they will not be notified when you delete their comment; however, they could receive a notification that someone else has commented on the post and then see that their comment has disappeared from the Facebook post.

This is the only way someone might figure out that you deleted their comment on a Facebook post, as you cannot stop Facebook from notifying them when someone else has commented on a post. However, this does not guarantee that they will notice that their comment has been deleted.

1. If The Notification Disappears

As previously mentioned, one of the few ways that someone could figure out that you deleted their comment on a Facebook post is if they notice that their comment has disappeared from the post.

This is because on Facebook anyone who has commented on a post will receive a notification for when someone else has commented on the same Facebook post.

With this in mind, even when you have deleted someone’s comment on a Facebook post, they will still get a notification for when someone else has commented on the post, which means that they could see that their comment has disappeared.

This is one way that someone could find out that you deleted their comment from a Facebook post

2. If Someone Tells Them

Another possible way that someone could figure out that you deleted their comment from a Facebook post is if someone tells them that their comment is gone.

People talk, and there is nothing you can do about that and with that said, it is certainly possible that someone could see that their comment has been deleted, then tell them about it.

This is genuinely all it takes for someone to find out that you deleted their comment on a Facebook post. It is actually more likely that someone will tell them that their comment was deleted rather than them noticing that their comment was removed. 

This especially applies to when the Facebook post is of a particular interest to your group of friends, as many others could see that their comment was deleted from the post and in turn, let them know. 

Will Someone Know If You Deleted Your Comment on Facebook?

Yes, someone could know that you deleted your comment on a Facebook post since they could see that it has disappeared from the post.

When discussing whether or not someone will know if you deleted your comment on a Facebook post, it is not too different from whether or not someone would know if you deleted their comment.

This is because so long as the Facebook post is still up, any one of your friends can view the post and receive notifications when someone else  has commented on the post.

With this in mind, it becomes more of a question of whether or not they saw your comment on the post before you deleted it.

1. Facebook Deleting Comments Notifications

Facebook will not ever send a notification when a user has deleted, unliked a comment, or unfriended someone. With that said, they will not be notified that you deleted your comment on a Facebook post.

However, if they have seen your comment on the post before you delete it, they could figure out that you removed the comment when it has disappeared from the comments.

Some Facebook users do claim that their comments have been removed at random; however, there has not been any proof of Facebook doing this and it is likely a cover for when someone deleted their comment but does not want to admit it.

If you are worried about Facebook notifying them that you deleted your comment, there is no need to worry since Facebook will not notify them.

If You Delete a Comment on Facebook Can Others Still See It

No, when you delete your comment from a Facebook post, it is removed for good and no one can see the comment.

Sure, other people might be able to figure out that you deleted your comment since it will disappear from the Facebook post; however, they will not be able to view the comment once you have removed it.

The only way they could see that you deleted your comment is if they have your login information and log into your Facebook account, then check your activity log.

So long as it has not been thirty days since you deleted your comment, they would be able to see the deleted comment in your activity log.

However, if they do not have your login information, then they cannot check your activity log, which means that they cannot see the comment you removed.

How to Make Sure They Can’t Find Out You Deleted Their Comment

You likely do not want anyone to know that you deleted their comment from a Facebook post; however, this can be difficult and depends on when they made their comment on the Facebook post.

There are a few ways to prevent someone from finding out that you deleted their comment from a Facebook post such as waiting a while until the post is not as popular, then delete their comment.

That is one way to stop them from finding out that you removed their comment.

Another method to use so that you can avoid them from finding out that you deleted their comment on a Facebook post is to make sure that you did not like their comment on the post.

1. Do It After A While

As previously mentioned, when you do not want someone to know that you deleted their comment from a Facebook post, you could simply wait until the hype has gone down for the post.

Once it has been long enough and you know people are not checking the post on a regular basis, then you can delete their comment with little to no worry about them finding out.

This makes it so it is less likely that they would check the post even when someone has commented on the post.

With that said, you should also wait until there are no more new comments being made on the Facebook post. This way it is much less likely that they would get a notification when someone has posted a new comment on the Facebook post.

2. Make Sure You Didn’t Like The Comment Before As When You Delete The Comment

Similar to when you wait a while to delete their comment on a Facebook post, you should also make sure that you did not like their comment before you removed their comment.

If you did like their comment before you started to debate whether or not you should delete their comment, then they are much more likely to notice that you deleted their comment.

This is because they probably would be much more likely to check on the Facebook post if you previously liked their comment.

3. Notification Will Disappear 

As previously mentioned, when you have deleted their comment from a Facebook post, if you wait long enough for there to be no new comments being made on the Facebook post, then they are much less likely to find out that you deleted their comment.

This way they are also much less likely to get notifications for when someone else has posted a new comment on the Facebook post. 

It can be quite difficult when you want to delete someone’s comment on a Facebook post, as you probably do not want them to know that you removed their comment. Perhaps you do not want to deal with any backlash from them or have anyone else know that you deleted their comment.

With that said, you might also want to delete your comment from a Facebook post since it might not have aged well or perhaps you do not necessarily agree with what you commented.

David Johnson is a freelance writer with 9 years of experience writing for Techzillo and other established tech outlets like iMore. His focus and key interests are Apple and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Read our Editorial Guidlines and Fact Checking process.


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