Wavelength is a fun new party game that is going around through social media like TikTok. With this game, you can play it with two people but it is always better with a group.
The premise of this game is you have 1 person who has to guess, while the other players pick and agree on a number 1-10. Once the players have this number, they pick the person who has to guess this number by asking the players questions.
The player’s answers are what they would rate this answer based on the number they decided. For example: if the number is 8, the person who has to guess will ask a question like, “Let me get a video game.” The player will answer with a video game they would rank an 8. Now the person who is guessing has to decide what number the player would pick based on the game they chose.
It is as easy as that, Wavelength is a fun, creative party game that is great to play whenever you are around your favorite group of friends. Below I will be going over some Wavelength questions that you can use when you are playing Wavelength and have to guess the number.
Wavelength Game Questions
Before you start going through the questions below, because this game is also popular on youtube, you can also check out what others are asking their friends during wavelength on tiktok.
Give me a comedy movie?
Give me a shooter video game?
Give me an RPG game?
Give me a mobile phone game?
Give me a pasta dish?
Give me a DJ?
Give me a male singer?
Give me a female singer?
Give me a state in the US?
Give me a fast food restaurant?
Give me an alcoholic drink?
Give me a dog breed?
Give me a rock band?
Give me a Hockey team?
Give me a Football team?
Give me a dinner food?
Give me a city on the west coast?
Give me a city on the east coast?
Give me a female actor?
Give me a male actor?
Give me an Asian country?
Give me a social media platform?
Give me a brand of chips?
Give me a Basketball team?
Give me a Baseball team?
Give me a horror movie?
Give me a brand of water?
Give me an action movie?
Give me a pop song?
Give me a rap artist?
Give me a punk band?
Give me a metal band?
Give a rap song?
Give me a romantic movie?
Give me a fantasy movie?
Give me an anime show?
Give me a Broadway play?
Give me a grocery store?
Give me a brand of energy drinks?
Give me a coffee drink?
Give me a pop punk artist?
Give me a drummer from a rock band?
Give me a hairstyle?
Give me a brand of clothing?
Give me a clothing store?
Give me a brand of shoes?
Give me a time of day?
Give me a breakfast food?
Give me a plant?
Give me a sit down restaurant?
Give me a dating app?
Give me a makeup brand?
Give me a brand of soda pop?
Give me a type of bread?
Give me an online shopping website?
Give me a TikTok influencer?
Give me a cartoon show from Nickelodeon?
Give me a Disney show?
Give me a Pixar movie?
Give me a Disney movie?
Give me a Marvel movie?
Give me a DC movie?
Give me a Marvel superhero?
Give me a DC superhero?
Give me a Star Wars movie?
Give me an anime movie?
Give me a job?
Give me a cat breed?
Give me a brand of beer?
Give me a season?
Give me a coffee shop?
Give me a fighter game?
Give me a boardgame?
Give me a musical?
Give me a car?
Give me a truck?
Give me a house?
Give me a hair color?
Give me an X-Men movie?
Give me a lunch food?
Give me a dessert?
Give me an ice cream flavor?
Give me a brand of toilet paper?
Give me a brand of candy?
Give me a flavor of Starburst?
Give me a flavor of Skittles?
Give me a school cafeteria food?
Give me a fruit?
Give me a vegetable?
Give me an older actress?
Give me an older actor?
Give me an old movie from the 80’s?
Give me an old movie from the 90’s?
Give a national park?
Give me an age?
Give me a summer activity?
Give me a winter activity?
Give me a drinking game?
Give me a carnival ride?
Give me a European country?
Give me an African country?
Give me a South American country?
Give me a country in the UK?
Give me a Vacation spot?
Give me a Vacation activity?
Give me a place you take your first date?
Give me a letter of the alphabet?
Give me a Muppet?
Give me a Pokémon?
Give me a DnD class?
Give me a casino game?
Give me a college in the US?
Give me a Harry Potter movie?
Give me a fantasy book?
Give me a romance book?
Give me a vampire book?
Give me a vampire movie?
Give me a zombie movie?
Give me a holiday?
Give me a school subject?
Give me a summer Olympic sport?
Give me a winter Olympic sport?
Give me a video game console?
Give me a computer brand?
Give me a comedian?
Give me a Shakespeare play?
Give me a childhood game?
Give me a YouTuber?
Give me a baby animal.
Give me a sports video game?
Give me a color?
Give me a name?
Give me a card game?
Give me a season of Game of Thrones?
Give me a season of the Walking Dead?
Give me a Bethesda game?
Give me an EDM music festival?
Give me a rock music festival?
Give me an emoji?
Give me a cereal brand?
Give me a Taylor Swift song?
Give me a childhood toy?
Give me a college degree?
Give me a Netflix original show?
Give me an Amazon Prime original show?
Give me a Hulu original show?
Give me a streaming service?
Give me a YouTube channel?
Give me a cooking show?
Give me an astrological sign?
Next time you are at a party play the Wavelength game and see if you can guess the number. The questions can be anything you can think of, enjoy and have fun.