How to Follow Everyone on Threads After Skipping

How to Follow Everyone on Threads After Skipping

When you first make your Threads account via Instagram, you’ll be prompted to follow everyone you already follow on instagram.

You may have second thoughts about clicking the follow all button because you haven’t made your mind up, so you go ahead and skip this part so that you can start seeing other peoples threads.

Later, you make your mind up and you decide that you want to follow everyone that you already follow on instagram.

However, you don’t know how to follow everyone again after skipping this part.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to follow everyone that you follow on Instagram after skipping the follow all button after first initially making your account.

Can You Follow Everyone on Threads After Skipping?

Yes, it’s possible to follow everyone on threads again after initially skipping the prompt that allows you to follow everyone you follow on Instagram after initially making your Threads account.

Because the follow all button is so hard to find again, people think they’re doomed once they’ve clicked the skip and now they think the option to follow everyone again doesn’t exit.

It does exist, but you have to dig a bit deeper to find it.

How to Follow Everyone on Threads After Skipping

To follow everyone you follow on threads after skipping, you can do this in the following section when you go to your profile.

To follow everyone on threads after skipping:

  1. Open the threads app
  2. Click on the profile icon in the bottom right corner
  3. Click on your followers next to your bio
  4. In the tabs at the top, select following. You’ll see a message at the top that says, ‘See others that you’re following on Instagram that you’re not following on threads yet. See All’.
  5. Click the follow all button at the bottom.

Now you’ll be following everyone that you follow on Instagram who has a threads account. Even if they don’t have a threads account yet, when they do make one, you’ll automatically be following them and they’ll see their in their notifications once they join. 

This will then lead to them following you back if they haven’t clicked the follow all prompt. They may have skipped it just like you and then went on later to click it which means you’ll get a follow back.

David Johnson is a freelance writer with 9 years of experience writing for Techzillo and other established tech outlets like iMore. His focus and key interests are Apple and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Read our Editorial Guidlines and Fact Checking process.


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