Hinge I’m Not Interested In This Person

Hinge I’m Not Interested In This Person

Like with all dating apps, there are great matches and there are some terrible matches that will leave you saying, “Never again”. This is where you unmatch that person and never look back.

When you choose to unmatch with someone on Hine it will ask you for a reason why you want to unmatch this person. The two most common reasons are “I’m not interested”, or “No reason”.

You can decide on which option you want to choose when unmatching with someone on Hinge. But what happens when you click on “I’m not interested” or “No reason”?

Below I will be going over that and more. Read further to find out what happens when you unmatch with someone on Hinge and click on “I’m not interested” or “No reason”

What Happens If I Click I’m Not Interested in This Person on Hinge

It is not confirmed by Hinge but users tend to think that when you click “I’m not interested” when you unmatch with someone on Hinge, you are less likely to be matched with this type of person again.

This makes sense if you are not interested in this match then your Hinge algorithm with matches should update to not match you with this type of person again. As I said, it is not confirmed only what other users think happens when you unmatch with someone on Hinge and click on “I’m not interested.”

With that being said this might be the best reason to choose when you are not wanting this type of person to be matched with and if you do not want to see this person’s Hinge profile when searching for matches.

The last thing you want to see is their profile keeps popping up when you are trying to search for other matches. Especially if things did not end very well with this person that you want to unmatch. 

What Happens If I Click No Reason on Hinge 

If you click on “No reason” when you are unmatching someone on Hinge it is more likely that this person will reappear in the discovery section when viewing other Hinge profiles. Now this is not confirmed by Hinge just what other users have speculated.

Since you are not giving Hinge on why you are unmatching them, it is more likely that you will see this person’s Hinge profile again. either you could be matched with that same type of person again or you could even be matched with the same person again even after choosing to unmatch with them in the past.

If you give a reason when unmatching with someone on Hinge there might be a better chance of not seeing the person’s Hinge profile again and also being matched with other people like them.

There is a good reason why you unmatched them in the first place: you might not want to ever see their Hinge profile again.  

Will They Know If I Click I’m Not Interested in This Person?

No, thankfully Hinge does not inform the other person you are not interested in them when you unmatch them on Hinge. So do not be afraid that they will know when you click “I’m not interested” when unmatching with someone on Hinge.

You are safe when it comes to that. As mentioned above when you click on “I’m not interested” you are more likely not to see their profile anymore on Hinge, as well as be matched with that type of person again.

If you are scared that the other party will see that you clicked “I’m not interested”. And this is what is stopping you from clicking “I’m not interested” when you are unmatching someone on Hinge, do not let it.

Hinge does not inform the other party that you are not interested in them when you click that option. So go ahead and click “I’m not interested” on any Hinge profile that you want to unmatch with and never be matched with someone like that again.

When you are on a dating site your safety, well-being, mental health, and happiness should be top priority. 

Should I Click on Reason or I’m Not Interested in This Person? 

If you are torn on which option you should click when unmatching with someone on Hinge that is okay the decision is yours to make. However, if you no longer want to be matched with that type of person on Hinge, you might want to click on the “I’m not interested” option.

The reason why I say that is because if you click on the “I’m not interested” option it is more likely that you will not see this person’s profile on Hinge or be matched with people like them. It might be the best option for you since Hinge does not let the other person know you are not interested.

With all that being said, when you unmatch with someone on Hinge you do not have to give a reason why. And the two most common reasons are “I’m not interested” and “No reason”. It all depends on how you want to reason.

But before you decide, consider if you want to be matched with this type of person again or not. If you do not want to be matched with this type of person again in Hinge then you should click on the “I’m not interested” option.

That way you are more likely not to be matched with this type of person again on Hinge. If you just click on “No reasons” then you are more likely to see this person’s Hinge profile again and be matched with this type of person again.

Whatever reason you decide to choose when unmatching with someone on Hinge is up to you and based on what you want out of the Hinge experience. 

David Johnson is a freelance writer with 9 years of experience writing for Techzillo and other established tech outlets like iMore. His focus and key interests are Apple and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Read our Editorial Guidlines and Fact Checking process.


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