100+ Best Answers to How Do You Feel About Me?

Best Answers to How Do You Feel About Me?

If someone asks, how do you feel about me, you might have an awkward pause because you’re on the spot and you don’t necessarily know how to respond back.

If you had a list of things you could say back to that question, it would make your life a lot easier. Unfortunately, storing a list in your head is the last thing you want to do, and you’d rather look it up on Google.

If someone texts you this, then perfect because you have enough time to search it up and give a response. However, if it’s in person, you need to memorize something or just truly say how you feel about them. 

If your answer would upset them, then that’s better than giving a fake response that they’ll later come to realize was fake anyway. So it’s best to give a genuine response whenever asked this questiosn.

Best Answers to How Do You Feel About Me?

  1. I really appreciate your presence in my life.
  2. You make me feel happy and content.
  3. I’m grateful for the time we spend together.
  4. You have a special place in my heart.
  5. I cherish our bond and connection.
  6. You bring out the best in me.
  7. I feel blessed to have you by my side.
  8. You are an essential part of my life’s journey.
  9. I value and respect you deeply.
  10. You light up my day with your smile and warmth.
  11. I feel a strong sense of comfort and ease when I’m with you.
  12. You have a unique and wonderful personality.
  13. I love the way you make me laugh and share joy.
  14. You are an inspiration to me in many ways.
  15. I trust and confide in you without hesitation.
  16. You make my life more meaningful and purposeful.
  17. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.
  18. You make me feel loved and cared for.
  19. I admire your intelligence and wisdom.
  20. You are a truly amazing and special person.
  21. I’m grateful for the positive impact you’ve had on my life.
  22. You have a beautiful and kind heart.
  23. I feel safe and secure when I’m with you.
  24. You make even the ordinary moments extraordinary.
  25. I appreciate your support and encouragement.
  26. You have a way of making everything better.
  27. I’m thankful for the memories we’ve created together.
  28. You’re always there for me, and it means the world.
  29. I feel a deep connection and understanding between us.
  30. You have a wonderful sense of humor that brightens my day.
  31. I’m lucky to have you as a friend/partner in my life.
  32. You make me believe in the goodness of people.
  33. I feel respected and valued in your company.
  34. You have a beautiful soul that radiates positivity.
  35. I appreciate your honesty and sincerity.
  36. You make challenges seem conquerable with your support.
  37. I feel like I can be my true self when I’m around you.
  38. You have a gift for making people feel loved and appreciated.
  39. I’m inspired by your determination and perseverance.
  40. You make the world a better place just by being in it.
  41. I’m grateful for the memories we’ve shared together.
  42. You bring joy and happiness to those around you.
  43. I feel at peace when I’m with you.
  44. You have a way of making everything more exciting and fun.
  45. I value the time we spend together, no matter how brief.
  46. You’re like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
  47. I feel energized and motivated when I’m with you.
  48. You have a beautiful and infectious laughter.
  49. I’m grateful for the love and care you show me.
  50. You bring balance and stability to my life.
  51. I feel loved and appreciated in your presence.
  52. You have a heart of gold and a compassionate soul.
  53. I’m thankful for the positive impact you’ve had on me.
  54. You make even the simplest moments memorable.
  55. I feel like I can conquer the world with you by my side.
  56. You have a remarkable ability to empathize with others.
  57. I’m inspired by your creativity and passion.
  58. You make me want to be a better person.
  59. I feel a deep sense of trust and loyalty towards you.
  60. You have a natural talent for making people feel special.
  61. I’m grateful for the unconditional love you give.
  62. You make challenges seem less daunting and more conquerable.
  63. I feel like I can always rely on you.
  64. You have a way of bringing out the best in everyone.
  65. I’m thankful for the laughter and joy you bring into my life.
  66. You make me feel like I can achieve anything.
  67. I feel fortunate to know you and call you a friend/partner.
  68. You have a magnetic and charismatic presence.
  69. I’m inspired by your strength and resilience.
  70. You make the world a brighter place with your smile.
  71. I feel a strong sense of admiration and respect for you.
  72. You have a genuine and caring nature.
  73. I’m grateful for the memories we’ve created together.
  74. You have a positive and uplifting influence on those around you.
  75. I feel like I can talk to you about anything without judgment.
  76. You have a special way of making people feel heard and understood.
  77. I’m thankful for the moments we’ve shared that have touched my heart.
  78. You make life’s challenges seem more manageable and less overwhelming.
  79. I feel like I can always count on your support and encouragement.
  80. You have a wonderful ability to see the beauty in everything.
  81. I’m inspired by your generosity and selflessness.
  82. You make every day better just by being in it.
  83. I feel a deep sense of comfort and peace when I’m with you.
  84. You have a heartwarming and genuine personality.
  85. I’m grateful for your kindness and compassion.
  86. You have a way of making people feel valued and appreciated.
  87. I feel like I can be my authentic self around you.
  88. You have a positive and contagious energy.
  89. I’m inspired by your passion and dedication.
  90. You make even the toughest situations seem more manageable.
  91. I feel lucky to have you in my life.
  92. You have a knack for turning challenges into opportunities.
  93. I’m grateful for the love and care you show me.
  94. You make me feel like the luckiest person in the world.
  95. I feel at ease and comfortable in your presence.
  96. You have a remarkable ability to make people feel special and loved.
  97. I’m inspired by your courage and determination.
  98. You make even the simplest moments memorable and cherished.
  99. I feel like I can always rely on your support and understanding.
  100. You have a heart of gold and a compassionate soul.
David Johnson is a freelance writer with 9 years of experience writing for Techzillo and other established tech outlets like iMore. His focus and key interests are Apple and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Read our Editorial Guidlines and Fact Checking process.


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