Unfortunately, sometimes you may encounter glitches when seeing other people’s posts. One of the problems most users face on Instagram is experiencing a message that says no posts yet instead of showing posts.
It can happen with accounts you recently followed and accounts you have been following, and you could see their posts previously.
What Does No Posts Yet Mean
Normally, when you go to an Instagram profile and it says “No Posts Yet”, it means they don’t have any posts on their profile. It’s possible they’ve recently deleted all their posts, or they just haven’t posted on their account yet.
Instagram will not tell you why there aren’t any posts on their profile, so it’s up to you to find out. However, it is possible that they actually do have posts on their account, and it’s telling you “No posts yet” for some other reason.
Here are a few different things that could be causing this message, and multiple methods to fix the issue!
Why Does My Instagram Profile Say No Posts Yet
Even though it should seem straight forward at first, Instagram will say “No posts yet” in a lot of different situations. For example, if someone has you blocked and you go to their profile, this message will pop up.
It can even pop up on your own profile, even if you already have posts available on your account! There are many different reasons this could be happening, and since Instagram won’t tell you the actual problem, you’ll have to do some simple troubleshooting.
Here are different reasons you may be receiving this message on your own profile and how to fix it!
1. Instagram is Down
If this is happening, it’s possible that it’s because Instagram is down. This means that since the Instagram servers are down, your posts as well as others are unavailable.
To check if servers are down for not only Instagram but almost any service you use, we recommend checking downdetector.com. There will be a chart of recent reports for problems people are having with Instagram.
If the chart spiked at the end of the chart (meaning a lot of reports happened recently), it usually means the servers are down. There’s also a map available showing where most reports are coming from, as it’s possible Instagram is just down in your area.
If Instagram is down for any reason, there’s nothing you can do but wait until the servers are back up.
If this is the case, there’s no reason to be concerned; the servers should be back up within a couple of hours, and all your data and account information will be available once again when the servers are back up and running.
2. There’s A Bug
It’s also possible that there’s a bug causing this to happen. This could be for a number of reasons; your Instagram application may be corrupted, your device storage is full, or your WiFi connection is unstable, etc.
Whatever the case, keep reading as we’ll have the fix for your issue, and your Instagram should be back to normal in no time!
Why Does It Say No Posts Yet for Someone
It will sometimes say “No Posts Yet” when you visit someone’s profile. While this message’s meaning should seem obvious at first (they have no posts), this isn’t always the case. Here, we’ll be going over a few different causes for this message showing up when you view others profiles.
1. The User Hasn’t Posted on the App
If you’re able to see their followers, following and name, yet you still get the “No Posts Yet” message, then the message may just be correct; there are no posts on their profile yet.
You should be able to view the number of posts on their profile to the left of their followers; it should say “Posts” with a number under it. If that number is 0, then they just haven’t posted on their account yet.
Maybe they recently deleted all of their posts or they just haven’t posted to that account yet; Instagram will not tell you this information, so if you want to know what happened to their posts, you may just have to ask the account owner yourself.
2. It’s a Bug
It’s also possible it’s a bug, and they actually do have posts available, but for some reason they are not reaching Instagram. This bug could be the result of many different issues.
It’s possible Instagram’s servers are down, your internet connection is unstable, or your app has been corrupted. Whatever the issue, it should be very easy to fix, if it doesn’t just go away on its own.
3. You Have Been Blocked
A likely reason it says ‘No Posts Yet’ is that you’ve been blocked by the account owner. It should be pretty obvious you’re blocked; you won’t be able to search their account, and you’ll only be able to visit their profile through your DM’s or from their Instagram profile link.
If you go to an account that has you blocked, you’ll see ‘User not found‘ where you’d normally be able to follow them.
Their followers and following will also be invisible, and the only thing you’ll really be able to see is their profile picture, name and post count. It will also pop up with a notification saying ‘User not found’ at the bottom of your screen when you go to their profile.
Their post count will also be available, so if it says they have. for example, 12 posts and it still says no posts, along with the other pieces of evidence; you’ve been blocked.
How to Fix No Posts Yet
The ‘No Posts Yet’ message when visiting someone’s profile or even your own profile can, understandably, be really frustrating when you know they have posts available.
Luckily, there are lots of things you can try, and anyone going through this issue should find peace in knowing the issue shouldn’t last for long. Here are multiple easy fixes to resolve this issue!
1. Restart Instagram
The first thing we recommend trying is restarting your Instagram. By this we mean simply closing the app and starting it back up.
On android, when you close an app, the app will usually stay running in the background. Because of this, we recommend force closing your Instagram app to do a full restart. Here’s how to force close an app on android;
Step 1. Open the device settings app from your Home Screen.
Step 2. Now, you’ll have to locate and tap your apps settings. Depending on your device, it may say “Apps”, “Applications”, or “Manage Apps”.
Step 3. Scroll through the app list to find the desired application. In this example, we’re closing Instagram.
Step 4. Once you’ve located Instagram, or the app you want to force stop, tap “FORCE STOP” next to the apps name.
The app will now fully close. Depending on your devices age and specifications, it may take a second to relaunch the app, but all your data and information will still be there upon relaunching the app, just like before.
Your Instagram will now be fully restarted and if there were any bugs with the app’s storage or data, the problem should be fixed.
2. Check your Internet Connection
If you’re getting the “No Posts Yet” message when there are in fact posts available, it’s possible your internet connection is too unstable to properly load Instagram profiles.
This could especially be the case if the issue only happens sometimes, and other things that have Wi-Fi access are having problems too.
To check your internet connection, try doing a speed test. You can use any speed test application or website you like, but we recommend speedtest.net by Ookla, as there is not only an app available for Speedtest, but you can also do it straight from their website on your device.
All you need to do is press the big “Go” button and the speed test will start. We recommend doing three speed tests; one with only with Wi-Fi on, one with only cellular data on, and one with both Wi-Fi and cellular data turned on.
Whichever Speedtest gives you the best results is the one we recommend using (as long as your devices data plan allows it). Remember, the higher your download speed the better, but the lower your ping the better.
3. Restart your Wi-Fi Router and Device Wi-Fi
If you think it may be a problem with your Wi-Fi or connection, we recommend to restart your Wi-Fi. First, turn on airplane mode on your device. This will stop all internet connection from working on your device.
Now, with airplane mode on, go to your router and turn it off for 30 seconds before turning it back on. When the router is back on, turn off airplane mode on your device.
This could greatly improve your internet connection for not only your mobile device but for other devices using Wi-Fi as well.
This will commonly fix Wi-Fi issues because when you do this action, it clears out any possible kinks in your Wi-Fi by doing a full refresh of both your router and device’s Wi-Fi connection.
4. Wait for Instagram Server to Go Back Up
If you went to downdetector.com and found that Instagram has a lot of recent reports of their service being down, then the servers are probably just down. You can also go to the outage map to see if Instagram is down in your area specifically.
If Instagrams servers are down, there’s nothing you can really do about it other than wait for them to come back up. There’s no need to worry; the servers should be back up and running within hours and no data will be lost.
Your accounts will still be logged in, along with your posts and DM’s; everything will be the same as it was before the outage.
5. Log Out Then Back In
Another possible solution to this issue is to log out of Instagram, and then log back in. This can fix the issue if it’s a problem with your Instagram profile or account.
Before you log out of Instagram, make sure you remember both your username and password so you don’t get locked out of your account or have to go through the hassle of changing your password. To log out of your Instagram account;
Step 1. On the Instagram app, tap your profile picture. It should be located on the bottom right corner of your screen.
If you are logged into multiple accounts at once, hold down on your profile picture until your accounts list comes up. Then, tap the account you wish to log out and back into.
Step 2. Tap the three stacked, horizontal lines located in the top right corner of your profile.
Step 3. From here, tap “Settings”. It should be located at the top of the list that pops up after tapping the stacked lines icon.
Step 4. At the bottom, you should see “Log Out”.
Step 5. After tapping this, your Instagram should log out fully. If this was the only account you were logged into, you’ll see the Instagram login screen.
From here, simply type your username / email as well as your password, and you should be logged back in easily as that.
If you have multiple accounts logged in at once and you log out of one, it will just switch to another account you’re already logged into.
To log back into your desired account, it should be listed on your account list by holding down on your profile picture in the bottom right corner. If not, press “Add Account” and re-enter your login information.
6. Update Instagram to Get Rid of Bugs
The issue may possibly just be the result of your app being out of date. Luckily, this is very easy to fix; as long as the issue is from your app being out of date, all it takes is a simple update for your issue to be fixed and to have your Instagram back to normal. Here’s how to update Instagram on both iOS and Android!
How to Update Instagram on iPhone or iOS:
Step 1. Go to the App Store from your home screen.
Step 2. At the bottom of your screen, you should see the tab “Updates”, the second to the last button next to “Search”. If Instagram is not listed on this page, the app is already up to date.
Step 3. If you see the app there, it’s ready to be updated. Press “UPDATE” next to Instagram.
If you’ve pressed the update button and you have a stable WiFi connection with enough storage space, your app should successfully update quickly.
There will be a loading wheel where you updated the app from as well as where the app is located on your home screen, so if you want to wait for it to finish updating to make sure everything goes smoothly you can watch the progress from there.
For Android:
Step 1. Launch the Google Play Store on your Android device. Tap the search box located at the top of your screen and type “Instagram” without quotes.
Step 2. Instagram should show up at the very top. Next to ‘open’ it should say ‘Update’ If it doesn’t, that means your Instagram app version is already up to date.
And that’s it! Your Instagram is now updated to the current version.
If this didn’t fix the issue, then the problem does not stem from your app being out of date. Don’t worry; we have plenty more possible and easy solutions for your issue.
- Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Instagram Bugs
Another possible reason the “No Posts Yet” message is popping up on profiles with posts, is because your Instagram cache has been corrupted. If this is the case, the issue should be fixed easily; using just a few steps, you’ll be able to clear your Instagram cache through the app itself. Here’s how to go about this process on both iOS and Android!
Step 1. Tap your profile picture located in the bottom right corner.
Step 2. Tap the three stacked lines located on the top right of your Instagram profile, then tap ‘Settings’.
Step 3. Tap ‘Security’ located on the Settings screen. It should be towards the middle of the Settings menu.
Step 4. In the Security menu, Tap ‘Clear Search History’ (for iPhone) or ‘Search History’ (for Android)
Step 5. Tap ‘Clear All’.
How to clear Instagram cache on Computer or Mobile Browser
Step 1. Go to www.instagram.com and make sure you’re logged into your account.
Step 2. Press ‘Privacy and Security’
Step 3. Go to ‘View Account Data’
Step 4. Click ‘View all’ under ‘Search History’
Step 5. Click ‘Clear Search History’. You’ll be shown a message asking if you’re sure you want to do this; select ‘Yes, I’m sure’
And that’s it! None of your data other than your search history will be deleted; all of your posts, login information, DM’s etc. will all still be there, after clearing your cache.
Your app may run a bit slower than before on the first start up, since the stored cache info is removed.
However, after you do everything on the app for the first time again, it should run much faster before. Any issues stemming from a corrupted cache will also be fixed, including the “No Posts Yet” error.
8. Uninstall and Reinstall the App
Another possible fix is to reinstall Instagram. This isn’t hard to do and should only take a minute to complete.
Just make sure you remember your Instagram username and password, as you may be logged out of your Instagram account upon reinstalling. Here’s how to reinstall Instagram on both Android and iOS!
How to Uninstall Instagram on Android:
Step 1. On your Android device, open the Google Play Store app from your home screen.
Step 2. At the top right, tap the Profile icon or profile picture.
Step 3. Tap “Manage apps & devices”, then press “Manage”.
Step 4. Locate and tap Instagram, then tap “Uninstall”.
The app should now uninstall, and shouldn’t take long.
How to Reinstall Instagram on Android:
Step 1. On your Android device, open the Google Play Store from your home screen.
Step 2. On the top right, tap the profile icon, or your profile picture.
Step 3. Tap “Manage apps & device” and then “Manage”.
Step 4. At the top, tap “Installed”, and then “Not installed”. Here, you’ll see all the applications you’ve downloaded in the past, but are not currently installed on your device. You should see Instagram somewhere in this list; Tap Install or Enable.
How to Uninstall Instagram on iOS:
Step 1. Locate Instagram on your Home Screen.
Step 2. Hard press or hold down on the apps logo until you see a small menu pop up.
Step 3. Tap ‘Remove App’ with red text, located at the top of the pop-up menu.
After pressing this, the app will uninstall.
How to Reinstall Instagram on iOS:
Step 1. Go to the ‘App Store’ from your device home screen.
Step 2. Search up ‘Instagram’ and tap it.
Step 3. Make sure you’re downloading the official Instagram app, and not Instagram Layout or Instagram Follower Account.
Step 4. Press the ‘Download’ button, or if you have iCloud enabled, the cloud button.
The app should now be reinstalled onto your device!
9. Wait for Them to Come Out with a Fix
It’s possible the current version of Instagram you have has a bug that is stopping you from seeing others posts. This is especially likely if your device is older and isn’t as widely supported as other newer devices.
If you’re already updated to the latest version of Instagram available for your device and the problem insists, then unfortunately, there’s not much you can do but wait for them to come out with a new update that’ll fix the bug.
If your device is too old to support app updates, it may be time to upgrade your device to avoid problems like this in the future.
10. Contact Instagram Support
As a last resort, we recommend contacting Instagram support. If you do go through with this, make sure to tell them the name of your device and, of course, the problem you’re having.
This could fix the problem for not only you but everyone else having the problem, as it’s possible Instagram isn’t aware of the issue, and after reading your email or hearing about your issue, they may release a silent patch fixing the issue.