If you’ve ever wondered whether or not somebody knows when you hide their chat on the Hinge app, read below.
If You Hide Someone on Hinge, Will They Know?
Fortunately, no, tapping “Hide” to hide a chat with someone on the Hinge app will not currently notify them. This likely comes as a relief to many Hinge users, as you do not always want someone to know when you have used the ‘Hide’ option to hide the chat you are having with them.
They could become suspicious for any reason if they were notified; however, the Hinge app currently has no notification for when someone has hidden the chat via the ‘Hide’ option.
The ‘Hide’ feature for a chat on the Hinge application is not likely to change any time soon since it is more of a privacy chat setting.
Now, you may hide a chat message on Hinge for one reason or another such as when you might want to organize your chats to only show the messages you are still actively chatting with, or perhaps you believe that a conversation is over so you would like to hide it for now.
Life can be interesting and you could wind up chatting with a previous match that you thought was a dead end and in such a scenario, you might want to hide the chat message rather than removing it so that you may return to the conversation.
You will be relieved to know that they will not be notified that you have hidden the chat message on the Hinge app.
However, if you hide a chat message on the Hinge app, you are likely wondering if you can find the chat message you have hidden on the Hinge app. Luckily, you can retrieve any chat messages you have hidden on Hinge.
Read on to find out how you can find the chat message you have hidden via the “Hide” option on the Hinge application.
If You Hide a Chat on Hinge, Can You Find it Again?
Lucky for you, yes, you can find chat messages you have hidden on the Hinge app. You can easily find any chat message you have hidden by using the “Hide” option on the Hinge app by going to your chats, which is indicated by the speech bubble on the Hinge navigation bar.
Once you are at your Hinge chats, you can scroll down through your chat messages, then simply select the hidden section at the bottom to reveal all of the chats you have hidden on the Hinge application.
You might want to view chat messages you have hidden for a number of reasons and luckily, you can return to any chats you hid with the “Hide” feature on the Hinge app.
As previously stated, life can be unpredictable and you might wind up chatting with a previous Hinge match that you thought was going nowhere.
In such a situation, you can retrieve a chat message that you hid on the Hinge app and return to the conversation.
Also, since Hinge has a feature called “Your Turn” for chat messaging, it is also likely that one of your hidden chats could have a “Your Turn” notification.
This simply means that it is your turn to respond to who are chatting with on the Hinge app. However, it is also a good way to remind Hinge users to reply rather than accidentally ghosting a potential match.
If Someone Hides You on Hinge, Will You Know?
While it might be a bummer, no, there currently is no way to know when someone hides a chat message on the Hinge app.
This is because Hinge will not send a notification when someone hides a chat message that you are a part of and there is no definitive way to know that they have.
This means that if someone you are chatting with on the Hinge app uses the “Hide” option to hide the conversation you are having, you will still be able to view the chat message at any point without interruption or notification.
So, while you will not have any problems reviewing the chat message on Hinge, you will also not be able to say for certain if they hide the conversation.
This “Hide” chat feature on the Hinge app is not likely to change any time soon since it is more of a personal privacy setting rather than a general setting.
Most dating apps such as Hinge are not too quick to change privacy settings such as the “Hide” option, as privacy and security are at the top of the list when it comes to dating apps.
So, while it might be useful to know when someone is hiding the chat message on Hinge, there currently is no notification or way to know for certain that they have.
The “Hide” feature only hides the chat message for your chat list; however, you can review the chat at any point in the Hinge app.
If You Hide on Hinge, Can They See the Conversation?
Fortunately or unfortunately, if you hide a chat message on the Hinge app, the other person will still be able to view the conversation and it will not be hidden from them.
This is because the “Hide” feature only applies to your end of the chat message. So, while the Hinge chat message might be hidden for you, it may not be for them.
This does not mean that they are notified about the message being hidden, rather it is their choice if they want to hide the Hinge chat or not.
The Hinge application will not notify anyone that a chat message has been hidden but it will also not stop them from viewing the chat message that you have hidden on your end.
The primary reason why someone can still see and interact with a chat message that you have hidden on the Hinge app is because the “Hide” option is a privacy/chat setting that is mainly for the user.
This means that it is more so for hiding the Hinge chat from nearby eyes or to organize your chats rather than hiding it from the other person.
So, you may assume that when you tap the “Hide” option, you are effectively hiding the chat message from whoever you are talking with on Hinge. However, you are only hiding the chat on your side of the conversation.
Sure, you can return to the conversation at any time and they can as well but the message will only remain hidden on your end.
If I “hide” someone on hinge will they still be able to message me and will I get notified when they do?