Facebook Messenger is a messaging platform made by Facebook that allows you to message your Facebook friends and other Facebook users in a more efficient way. The platform allows you to send regular texts, calls, and video calls. If you use the call feature, but don’t like video calls, then chances are that you want to turn it off and just use regular audio calls so no one can see you.
Luckily, Facebook allows you to do this on the desktop site. If you don’t receive calls in general, you can also block or mute individually, so they won’t be able to calls, or you won’t be notified when they call.
Note: Turning this off will mean that voice calls get turned off as well, not only video calls.
Turning Off Video Call
1. Go to Facebook in your web browser.
2. In the bottom-right corner, select the Settings Cog.
3. Select Turn Off Video/Voice calls.
4. Select how long you want it turned off for.
5. Select Disable.
Stopping Videos Calls from Individuals
Muting Someone
1. Open ‘Messenger’ app.
2. Find the person among your conversations that you’d like to mute.
3. Tap on ‘I’ in the upper-right corner of the screen.
4. In the upper-right corner, just under the person’s profile picture, tap ‘Mute.’
5. Decide how long you’d like to mute the conversation with this person. You can do it ‘Until I turn it back on,’ which is, by far, the best option for ignoring someone’s Facebook Messenger calls. Muting means that you won’t be notified when they call you.
Blocking Someone
1. Open Messenger app.
2. Find the person you want to block on messenger.
3. Tap ‘I’ in the upper-right corner.
4. Select Block.
5. Choose to block them just on messenger, or Facebook entirely.
Umm, there is no settings button on the bottom. This is so outdated, literally no help.