How to Know If Someone Blocked You on Bereal

How to Find Out If Someone Deleted You BeReal

Can You Know If Someone Blocked You on Bereal

Yes. You can tell when someone blocks you on BeReal because you won’t be able to see their posts or view their profile at all. I know this because I’ve created two bereal accounts and blocked the other one. When I logged into the account I blocked, there were no traces of the profile that blocked me.

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on Bereal

When someone deletes you on BeReal, you will no longer appear in their friend list nor will you be able to comment on their posts using anything other than RealMojis. If they have some of their profile settings to private, you will also not be able to view these unless you are on their friend list.

Not being able to comment on someone’s content or not being able to view their private BeReal profile are two of the main indicators that you have been deleted from their friend list.

If you know the person outside of BeReal, you can consider reaching out to them to find out more about why they deleted you.

Another key indicator of being deleted by someone on BeReal is no longer seeing their daily photos appearing in your feed on your account. Typically, once you upload a daily photo to BeReal you will be able to view your friend’s photos as well in your feed.

If someone that you normally see a lot of daily content from is no longer appearing in your feed, this could be because they have removed you as a friend from the app.

As previously mentioned, you should reach out to the user in real life or through another social media app if you wish to find out more about why you have been removed from their friend list.

It is relatively easy to determine when you have been deleted by someone on BeReal.

The rest of this guide will give you further insight into the way the friend system works on BeReal so that you can be more informed before making the decision to remove someone as a friend.

Will Someone Know If I Deleted Them On BeReal?

Someone you have recently unfriended on BeReal could very easily determine that they have been unfriended. One of the main indicators that can help them determine this is if they can no longer view your profile or comment when they once could.

They can also determine this if they are no longer being notified of your daily posting activity on the app when they once were. If your profile is private, they will be able to tell that they have been unfriended when they notice that they are no longer able to view your profile or your daily uploaded photos properly.

All of the indications make it very easy to determine that someone has unfriended you on BeReal. It is not likely that you will be able to unfriend someone who is extremely active on the app without them noticing.

Users who do not use the app frequently or pay much attention to their friend activity might be less prone to notice. You should keep this in mind if you are planning on unfriending someone but wish to keep it a secret.

A better way to do this with more ambiguity is to simply block the user entirely. This will completely remove your profile from BeReal to the other user. They will not be able to see any evidence of your existence on the app, which would lead them to believe that you have simply deleted the app.

This can be a better option if you wish to remove someone as a friend but keep the removal more of a secret.

They could still determine that they have been blocked if they are aware of your activity from some other outside source, but generally, they will just believe that you are no longer active on BeReal.

No matter what, it is likely that any person you delete from BeReal will notice quite quickly if they are extremely active on the app. That being said, it could still take some time for them to realize that they are no longer seeing your daily photos in their feed.

If the user tries to comment on one of your public posts and realizes that they can only use RealMoji, this could also indicate to them that they have been removed from your friend list.

Can People See When You Delete Them On BeReal?

It does not notify the user when you unfriend them on BeReal. To figure out that they have been unfriended, a user will have to recognize that they can no longer view your daily photos or private profile.

They will not receive any form of standard notification about their removal as a friend. It will be up to them to manually determine this. They will likely not notice right away unless it is someone that you have been close to on the app and interacted heavily with before.

For users who have been unadded, they will not see any immediate changes to their own profile or notifications that they have been removed as a friend.

If you have a private profile, when an unfriended user attempt to view it, they will see the private profile screen, indicating that they have been unfriended and no longer have access to view your profile.

For users with public profiles, the unfriended user will be able to view your profile like normal. They will not however be able to comment on your posts using anything but BeReal’s built-in RealMoji. This can be a strong indicator that they have been removed as a friend on BeReal.

What Happens When Someone Deletes You On BeReal?

For people who have done the deleting/unfriending, you will no longer be able to see any private profile of the user that you have unfriended. You will also lose the ability to comment anything other than RealMoji on their public posts.

When you unfriend someone on BeReal, this means that they will no longer appear in your friends list and they will no longer be notified of your posting activity. They will no longer be able to comment on your public photos using anything be RealMoji and they will no longer have your daily photos displayed to them in their friend feed.

If still being able to view their profile is important to you, you should consider not unfriending them if you are aware that they currently have a private profile. Private profiles are a security feature on BeReal that hides the user’s account activity from anyone who they are not currently friends with.

If you still wish to remove someone as a friend on BeReal, the method to do so is quite simple. First, you will need to open BeReal and click the Friends icon located in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Once you have clicked the Friend icon, a menu will be brought up where you will see the Friends tab at the bottom. Tapping into the Friends tab will bring up a list of your current friends on BeReal.

You should then tap on the profile who you wish to remove from your friend list. Once you have done this, tap the three dotted lines in the upper-right corner to bring up the menu where you can choose to Delete the account from your friend list.

Once you have done this, the person will automatically be removed from your friend list and all of the restrictions regarding private profiles will go into effect immediately.

You will no longer be able to view the user’s daily photos in your feed and you will no longer be able to comment using anything than BeReal’s built-in RealMoji. You should consider all of these restrictions before considering removing the person from your BeReal friend list.

Should you wish to add this person back to your friend list in the future, you will have to navigate to their profile and send them another friend request and wait to be accepted.

You should be sure that you wish to remove the person from your friend list and keep in mind all of the restrictions that follow if the person you unfriended has a private profile.

How To Delete Someone On BeReal Without Them Knowing

There is no way to delete someone on BeReal without them knowing. Any user you delete from your friend list will be able to see that they can no longer view your private profile and are no longer receiving your daily photos in their feed.

Using this information, they could easily determine that they have been deleted from your friend list for one reason or another. You should consider blocking the user if you wish for your account and profile to no longer be visible to another user of BeReal.

Blocking someone can make it look like you are no longer active on the app. This can sometimes be the preferred method if you wish to completely cut contact with another user of BeReal.

This can seem like a drastic step but it is the most efficient way to completely sever the relationship with another user on BeReal. Blocking a user will also keep you from adding the person back to your friend list until you manually unblock them.

To block a user on BeReal, first, you will need to open BeReal and click the Friends icon located in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Once you have clicked the Friend icon, a menu will be brought up where you will see the Friends tab at the bottom. Tapping into the Friends tab will bring up a list of your current friends on BeReal.

You should then tap on the profile who you wish to remove from your friend list. Once you have done this, tap the three dotted lines in the upper-right corner to bring up the menu where you can choose to Block the account from your friend list.

Once you have done this, the user will automatically be removed from your friend list and blocked. This will cause the user to no longer to be able to send you a friend request or view your profile content.

You will also not be able to view the person whose profile you have blocked nor will you be able to send them a friend request till you unblock them.

The ability to block a user on BeReal is an important feature that allows users to take control over who can interact with them while using the app. This is another good security measure that can cut down on bullying, harassment, and predatory behavior on the app.

Brady Klinger-Meyers is an experienced tech writer and marketer who currently writes for Techzillo as well as other popular sites like MakeUseOf. At Techzillo, he focuses on consumer technology in general with his interest being Android OS. Read our Editorial Guidlines and Fact Checking process.


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