How to Find Comments Made By Someone on Facebook


Facebook is all about socialization. You can join public conversations whenever you choose, without an invitation. Discussion is done through ‘comments,’ like a personal message made public. People can then comment in response. But what if you wanted to find someone’s comment on Facebook? It’s a lot easier than it seems.

How to Find Comments on Facebook (Made by Someone Else)

Unfortunately, there’s no way to find comments someone has been making on Facebook – there’s no section on Facebook that will allow you to see the comments someone has left under someone else’s post.

1. Look Through Their Friend’s Account

If you have time on your hands and you’re desperate to see what someone comments, go on their friend’s list and check for any accounts that are public. From here, you can scroll through their posts and see if the person has left comments underneath them – Facebook prioritizes comments from people you follow so you’ll be able to see what they’re commenting on.

If you want to find comments someone has left under your posts, the only way to do this is to look for their comment in your notifications. If you get a lot of notifications, their comments may have been pushed down the list or disappeared. You’ll have to go through each of your posts and look for their comment – if you get loads of comments, finding the comments they left will take a long time.

2. Using Facebook’s Own Search Function

This method flies over the radar of many considering it can be very helpful in finding comments made by certain people. However, Facebook’s search function has a few limitations that don’t make it the best way of tracking down comments. Regardless, if you were just looking for a post you commented on, or a friend did, this method can give you some quick results.

The first downside of using Facebook’s search function is any and all comments made on a private post (that you aren’t privy to) are unavailable to you. For example, if someone commented in a private group, you won’t see that post. Of course, this is because Facebook values privacy. A stance that is, quite frankly, very strange considering they collect your data anyways.

The other downside is it’s very sensitive to spelling. Butchering the name of the person posting the comments will lead you to dead ends and confusion. But, when it does work, it works wonderfully for its intended purpose. Here’s what you do to get started:

Searching with a Computer

1. Launch a browser of your choice.

2. Head over to Facebook.

3. Log into your account, if you aren’t already logged in.

posts comment by the persons name

4. At the top left of the Facebook page, you’ll see the search bar. Go ahead and click ‘Search’ and type ‘posts commented on by x.’ Of course, replace ‘x’ with the person in question and be sure to spell their name right. Once you hit the ‘Enter’ key, Facebook will redirect you to a new page and list every post that pertains to the search keywords.

5. Locate the posts someone commented on.

Searching with an Android and iOS Device

1. Launch the ‘Facebook’ app. You should find it somewhere on one of your Home screens. If you didn’t, look inside your App Drawer.

2. Log into Facebook with your account, if you aren’t already logged in.

3. At the top, select ‘Search’ and type in ‘posts commented on by x.’ Replace ‘x’ with the person’s name. As mentioned before, the spelling of the name needs to be precise. Tap the small magnifying glass icon on your keyboard to continue the search.

4. Once you’re redirected, Facebook will list all the posts that match the keywords you used in the search bar.

Expanding your Search with Keywords

The greatest strength of Facebook’s search function has is that it doesn’t stop at searching for comments. If you are truly committed to finding someone’s comment, perhaps searching for what the person has liked will bring you closer to your goal. For example, rather than using ‘posts commented on by x,’ you could try ‘posts liked by x’ or ‘photos liked by x’ instead.

3. Find Comments Made By Someone in a Long Thread

If there’s a long thread, and you’re trying to find a comment made by someone, then you can use the search function to look for their comment. This will allow you to find their comment quickly without having to search through a long thread manually. This will save you time.
1. Unfortuneley, you can do this on your mobile app for facebook, it’ll only work on your desktop. But if you don’t have a desktop then you can log into Facebook on your phone or tablets web browser.
2. Go to the post that you want to find someone’s comments in. Your friends name or comment may be buried within other comments in the thread so it may be hard to find it. The post may have it set so that comments are filterered to display only the most recent and popular comments. You’ll know this if the number of comments appears below the post or the number of replies to a comment is shown next to the comment. When there are replies to a comment, they’re automatically threaded so any replies that have been made by anyone to that specific comment will be under the comment rather than the post. This will make them harder to find.
3. To view comments in the thread of comments, click View x Comments above the first comment. The x represents the number of comments. You may also see the word Previous. Click on this to expand all the comments that are hidden if it isn’t already expanded.
If you see the the thread says Most Relevant above the comment list, click it and select All Comments. If you see the link above the top post to View previous comments, then you need to click it again to view more comments. You’ll have to click this button over and over again until all the comments are displayed. To show all the replies below a comment, you need to click x Replies to example it. It will also say how many replies there are. For example if there are 2 replies below a comment, the link will say 2 replies.
4. To find the persons comments, press Ctrl + F (PC) or Cmd + F to open the Find window. This will open the search window that allows you to search for exact text which means you can use it to find your friends comment that you’re looking for. If you’re on your iPhone you’ll need to pull up the search function by tapping on the share icon. Swipe left and tap on Find on Page.
5. Type in your friends name. From here, you need to type in your friends name and this will bring up all the comments that the specific person has made. For example if their name is John Appleseed, type John into the Find search box to look for comments made by them.
6. Press enter after typing in the find box to look for the search result next result. Or, you can click the down arrow on the search box to find the next result that contains that name. It will load up each comment that they’ve made so you’ll be able to find all of them.

How to Find a Comment I Made on Facebook

If you want to find a comment that you’ve made on Facebook, then you can look for it using the Activity log.

1. Activity Log

The Activity log is a place where you can review and manage your Facebook activity. Within here, you can find all of the comments that you’ve ever made. You can also find things such as posts, posts that you’re tagged in, photos and videos, friend requests, and people you recently became friends with.

  1. Open on your PC or your Mobile.
  2. Click on your profile.
  3. Click on three dots
  4. A drop-down menu will pop up. Click on the Activity log. On the left pane, there will be a ton of options. Each option record an activity different from the actions you have taken on the social network.
  5. On the left pane, click on the Comments. Here, you’ll be able to see all of the comments you’ve made by sorted date. If the comment has been made on a photo or video, then a small thumbnail will appear next to it so that you can see where you made the comment.

2. Try And Remember Your Comments

Another way that you can look for comments you’ve made on Facebook is to look at your friends posts. Under your friends posts, they may post pictures that you like and if you know that you tend to leave comments on their posts each time they post, then you can check through their profile.

3. Check Your Notifications

Another way that you can find comments you’ve made on Facebook is to look through your notifications. If you’ve made a comment and it’s quite popular, then if people are liking it, you’ll get notifcaitons for it.

Getting Future Updates

Maybe your search for someone’s comment on Facebook didn’t go so well. If you want to catch any other ones they make, if you’re friends with them, then turning on a few notification options will alert you to what your friend is doing.

Following, Close Friends and Getting Notifications

There are three options you can activate to the most out of your notifications and they are: ‘Following’ and ‘Close Friends’ and ‘Get Notifications.’ While following a person can be seen by anyone who can view it, getting notifications and setting someone as a ‘close friend’ won’t alert to them at all. Facebook doesn’t even let the person know you’ve labeled them as a close friend.

1. Launch a browser of your choice.

2. Head over to Facebook.

3. Log into your account, if you aren’t already logged in.

4. In the Facebook search bar, search the friend you’d like to keep tabs on.

5. On their page, to the right of their profile picture, you’ll see that you’re friends with the person. Click it to open a drop down menu.

get notifications

6. Click ‘Get Notifications’ and ‘Close Friends.’ This will ensure tabs are kept on this friend with notifications that show up in your notifications.

see first

7. To the right of ‘Friends,’ you’ll see ‘Follow.’ Click it to follow the person. Click again to open a menu. Choose ‘See First.’ Content they like and comment on will show up in your News Feed.

Brady Klinger-Meyers is an experienced tech writer and marketer who currently writes for Techzillo as well as other popular sites like MakeUseOf. At Techzillo, he focuses on consumer technology in general with his interest being Android OS. Read our Editorial Guidlines and Fact Checking process.


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