If you are receiving this message, it is because the phone call you were receiving has already been answered on another iPhone, specifcally.
This means that the call is no longer coming to the iPhone you have access to and the conversation is occurring on another device, maybe an iPad or a different iPhone, whether that be a family member, or some random person who somehow had access to your information.
This sometimes happens when your number is saved on another person’s device accidentally. Even if you do not answer the call and it drops, it will be shown in your call log as having been answered on another device.
Why Are My Calls Being Answered on Another Device
Your calls may be answered on another device if you have another Apple product such as an Apple watch or MacBook. Apple understands how much easier it is for all of your devices to be connected if possible. That way you can text from your computer when you forget your phone in your room.
Or the call you took on your iPad is automatically shows up on another iPhone signed into the same Apple ID. Apple offers these features to make your life a little easier, but there are some problems that come along such as these call issues that can occur.
1. Someone Has Your Number Saved As An Additional Number
It is possible that this could happen if your number is saved as an additional number because the device will realize that the same number is saved twice.
Through the Contacts app on Apple devices, you can save multiple numbers under one contact as maybe a home line or a cell line.
If your number accidentally got saved under someone else’s contact, this can be difcult to notice by the other two involved as the contact is still receiving a call.
2. Someone’s Logged Into Your Apple ID
If someone is logged into your Apple ID, you may share some of the same information, such as contacts and purchases that have been made through the app store.
If you are concerned about having your information saved only to your device, you may want to create your own Apple ID so that no one else can make purchases from your account or use any of your data.
3. Someone Is Another Device That’s Signed Into Your Apple
If you share your Apple ID with someone, a message may come up to tell you that another device is signed into your Apple account. For example, there was a time that I needed to sign into my Apple account on my MacBook Air and my phone
alerted me that a new device had logged into my account. I appreciate that they do this because I am able to suspect if suspicious activity is going on and if it is, I would go online to change my password.
4. Bug
If you suspect that there is a bug, you may want to consider updating your device by checking if there is a software update available. If there is, you can go to settings and it will update your device to allow your device to function at the best of its ability.
One reason you may need to be experiencing these phone issues is because your phone or Apple might be experiencing said bug.
There are sadly going to be various problems for many Apple users for a variety of reasons since Apple is so heavily utilized and demanded. The reality is that bugs are sadly unavoidable.
Various industries and apps alike fall prey to the vicious bugs that circulate the technology systems. Your frustration is heard and understood, but all you can do is sit tight until the bug works its way out or system developers are able to tackle the issue for you.
5. Out Of Date iPhone
Throughout the years, Apple has come out with many options when it comes to iPhones and they do make improvements to the devices. If you have had your phone for years, it is possible that it isn’t working as well as it used to.
If you upgrade your phone every few years, you may be able to avoid having any problems with your device, such as issues with any apps or problems with the phone not properly working.
Most people use their phone daily so I do think it is important to have a phone that works right and allows you to use it on a daily basis.
Each update that Apple puts out fxes a lot of common bugs in their systems, as well, so regularly updating your iPhone can be very helpful for a variety of different reasons.
How to Fix Answered on Another Device iPhone
1. Tell Them to Delete Your Number As An Additional Number In Their Friends
If you are having this problem, it might be helpful to ask someone who has your number to delete your number if they do have it as an additional number. It will also help them keep track of the numbers that they have in their contacts on their phone. This will stop the calls from coming to your device when they are trying to contact their friends and not you.
2. Contact That They Keep Calling
If you have two devices that accept calls from your number, it may be helpful to ask someone to call your number to see what device the calls show up on frst.
It will most likely show up on your phone frst, but the call could come from your Apple watch or laptop if you have one. This can help you try and fgure out which device is your main one and which device needs to be fxed.
3. Block The Number Call
If the number is blocked from any of your devices, you will not receive any calls
from the person that is trying to reach you. Once you fgure out what the problem is, you can unblock the number to see if the problem is fxed.
To do this, go to Phone. Then go to Recents and tap the i icon next to the number you want to block. Scroll down and select Block This Caller.
4. Message Them to Stop Calling You
In order to solve the problem, you may want to reach out to the person that is calling you to see why the call is being answered on another device. They may be able to easily solve the solution by deleting your number, iCloud, or Apple ID from their device, fxing your problems.
5. Turn Off Call Forwarding
If you can turn off call forwarding, it may prevent the call from going through from another device, such as your apple watch.
When you enable call forwarding, you are allowing any calls to forward to another number that you would like to contact.
To do this, open Settings and then scroll down to Phone. Now tap on Calls on Other Devices. Click the toggle so it turns gray and you have turned off Call Forwarding.
6. Log Out of iCloud Then In
Log out of iCloud on all of my devices. By doing so, it would allow you to see why your calls are being answered on another device and you could fgure out what the problem is.
1. You can do this by grabbing your iPhone and opening up settings.
2. Just tap the name right at the top of the owner of the iPhone.
3. Now scroll down and you will see Sign Out.
4. Select that and just wait a couple minutes. Now you can sign back in.
If you are having some troubles remembering your password, you can easily send a reset link to your email that your iCloud is hooked up to and gain access right back in.
7. Change Apple ID Password
You can easily change your Apple ID password by logging onto your apple account online. You will want to make sure that you choose a password that is secure and will not allow others to log in to your account.
You also want to make sure that you think of a password that you will remember so that you can log in to your account quickly on a daily basis. You can also change it by logging out of Apple ID on your device.
To do this:
1. Go to Settings and tap on the device owner at the top of the screen.
2. Scroll down until you see sign out.
3. Once signed up, to go sign back in and click Forgot Password.
Apple will send you a password reset link on your email and you can change your password that way as well.
8. Remove Other Devices From iCloud
In order to remove other devices from iCloud, you should log in to your account on your iPhone and click on remove other devices.
If you share an account with someone but you are having issues with your iCloud account, you may want to consider creating your own account for just you to use.
You can also go to any other devices you have on the same iCloud account that you want to remove and do it device by device.
To do this, once you have the device:
1. Go to Settings.
2. Now click on the device owner at the very top of the screen.
3. Scroll down until you see sign out and select that.
9. Ask Your Phone Service Provide to Block the Number
If you are having trouble with fguring out how to block a number, you can contact your phone service provider to do that for you. By doing so, you will be able to make sure that you do not receive any calls from numbers that you do not want to hear from.
If you want to block a number on your own, you can go to your most recent calls or contacts and you will fnd the option to block the number.
All you will need to do is call up the service you use for your phone. If you do not know the number, you can just search up “[Phone Provide] Customer Service” and easily fnd it that way.
Have the number that you want blocked written down and nearby so you can easily share it with your provider. Once you have called the provider, give them the number and they will block the number for you.
10. Wait For Problem to Stop
You can wait for the problem to stop if you are waiting to upgrade your phone or you are currently updating it. It’s possible that your phone just needs an update and that will allow it to work properly after the update is done.
The cause of your problem may also be truly on Apple and nothing on your end. Whether it be a bug or iCloud’s services are done, the only solution available to you may just be time.
While it is very frustrating that nothing can be done by you, Apple is a very high tech and high functioning company.
If they are aware of the issue as many product users may be experiencing the same problem, personnel are most likely solving your issue as quickly and efciently as they can.
11. Update iPhone
It would be a good option to try and update your iPhone if you are experiencing problems with it. Over time, phones can begin to have issues if you aren’t keeping up with the updates that Apple is releasing.
I would also recommend speaking with your cell phone provider to see if there are any current issues going on that they are aware of because it is possible that it is a nationwide issue.
Your iPhone may also be running on an old system and in need of an update which will potentially allow you to stop having these issues
To see if you need to update your phone:
1. Open up Settings and then go to General which may require a little bit of scrolling.
2. Once there, the second button will say Software Update.
3. Click on the and your iPhone will automatically check to see if an update is needed.
4. If there is on update, just tap Update Now and your phone will need a little time to update.
5. Additionally, there will be an option that says Automatic Update.
6. Make sure that is set to on and this will save you from any future problems dealing with an outdated IOS System on your iPhone.
This will also save you time as it will download the software updates overnight so that you are not without access to your iPhone as it is updating.
12. Contact Apple Support
One of the best parts about having Apple products is Apple Support. They are always available to talk to you if you are experiencing any issues that their customer service is excellent.
Since you are a loyal Apple customer, it’s a smart idea to take advantage of all that Apple has to offer to their customers. Overall, with all of the information on the Apple website and the improvement with technology over the years, there are a lot of options to fnd the answers you are looking for when you run into issues with your devices.
Another option to try and solve your downloading problems is to directly contact Apple Support. There are quite a few ways to go about contacting them.
To start, simply just: Go to Support.Apple.com. You will now see multiple options for how you can go about reaching out. The frst is by Support by Phone.
This one will give you your local Apple Support number and allow you to either call or text a representative in the area. The other option says Get Support Anywhere. This will bring you to the app store where you can download their support app, or you can just go to the app store on your own and search for Apple Support.
The app will be another way for you to directly contact customer service and have them solve these issues dealing with your calls. This will also give you details on where your nearest Apple store is and the hours of operation if they cannot solve the problem for you.